Jennifer Rafferty Jennifer Rafferty - A Whole Lott'a love

If I had an apple I'd give you a bite
If I had tomorrow I'd give you tonight
You, you mean everything to me
If I had the moon I would give you the stars
Or some old cliche that speaks right to your heart
You, you mean everything to me

Gonna roll in the mud, babe, and soak up the love
Just you and me here and the clouds up above
Gonna dance by the lake watch the dawn as it breaks
We don't need nothin but us
and a whole lott'a love

If I baked a pie, I would give you the cream,
when I close my eyes, I do nothing but dream
of you, cos you mean everything to me
I'd give you the bubbles inside of my bath
when I'm out with you I do nothing but laugh
You, you mean everything to me


Bridge (i totally fluffed bridge when recording.. that's why it's sorta CHOPPED in)
A petal to a flower
a leaf to a tree
there's no me without you, and no you without me
Like the sun to a raincloud a rainbow is born and you are my sun
shine on me ever more